Illustrative Project ExamplesStrategySTRATEGIC REVIEW AND PLANNING | Developed growth strategy of a PE-backed, omnichannel, and tech enabled retail company.
MARKET ENTRY AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT | Developed B2B business development strategy in a new market of an industrials manufacturer.
InnovationINNOVATION STRATEGY | Conducted review of innovation practices and portfolio to define innovation transformation roadmap for an international company based in Europe.
BUSINESS MODEL DEVELOPMENT | Designed new business (target applications and markets, revenue potential, value prop., high level org, production footprint) to grow 5-10x a product line.
Venturing & Open InnovationECOSYSTEM STRATEGY DEFINITION | Developed the technology ecosystem strategy for an institutional investor's engagement and support in the sector.
CORPORATE VENTURING | Developed and led the corporate innovation and partnerships for a major commercial bank, including extensive ecosystem and start-up engagements.
Investment & Decision SupportDUE DILIGENCE | Sized revenue synergies and developed strategic investor case to support due diligence and financing of a cross-border acquisition by a international retail company.
MODEL-BASED DECISION SUPPORT | Developed pro forma financial statement models for multiple companies and projects, enabling sensitivities and scenarios for decision and negotiation.
Illustrative Project ExamplesStrategySTRATEGY DEFINITION | Designed and conducted strategy offsite with the North American senior executive team of a global industrial process equipment manufacturer.
ANNUAL PLANNING | Designed and conducted annual offsite for Engineering and Projects function at a international engineered products manufacturer.
InnovationINNOVATION STRATEGY BOARD MEETING | Designed Board innovation strategy and portfolio offsite at an international automotive equipment manufacturer.
GLOBAL FUNCTIONAL TEAM INNOVATION PORTFOLIO | Designed innovation strategy and portfolio offsite for the Global Pricing team at an energy supermajor.
Senior Leadership Team EffectivenessTEAM EFFECTIVENESS PROGRAM | Designed and conducted a series of team development offsites for the Senior Leadership Team at an institutional investor.
TEAM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | Designed and conducted a series of team development offsites for transversal teams at a global industrial process equipment manufacturer.
Illustrative Project ExamplesOperating ModelOPERATING MODEL DESIGN | Contributed to design the roles and coordination interfaces between corporate core and subsidiaries towards the unbundling of an energy company.
OPERATING MODEL DESIGN APPROACH | Developed an operating model design approach for an institutional investor to support post-merger integration of its portfolio companies.
Organization Structure & DesignORGANIZATION STRUCTURE | Redesigned the Strategy & Planning function of a US energy company, including improvements to structure, processes, and interfaces.
ORGANIZATION DESIGN | Redesigned the structure and strategic processes of the subsidiary of an industrials company.
Culture EvolutionSTRATEGIC IDENTITY & CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS | Refreshed the Purpose, Mission and Vision of an industrials firm, distilled its values, and translated them into cultural moments of truth.
CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS | Identified the artefacts that represent the cultural heritage of a global industrials company and synthesized its values as a foundation to strategic planning.
Transformation RoadmapTECHNOLOGY & DIGITAL ROADMAP | Developed the technology transformation roadmap of an engineered products company, including investment and talent requirements.
DATA & ANALYTICS ROADMAP | Developed the data & analytics transformation roadmap of an institutional investor, including investment and talent requirements.
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